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Friday, July 20, 2012

Discover ISLAM

This is a section for people who are interested in learning about the religion Islam. It is a compilation of information on the tenets of the Islamic faith, its principles and practices. Exploring Islam explains the basic fundamental beliefs of the Islamic way of life and how Islam is associated with the world's other leading religions. This section also explains the duties of abiding Muslims and what the institution of Islam has to offer for each of them.

Muslims believe that mankind's salvation will result from the worship of God as "One" without equals or partners. Islam teaches us that we can pray directly to God without an intermediary and that no soul can bear the burden of another. The Qur'an teaches us that only God can forgive sins, punish or reward. The Qur'an also teaches us that the nature of humanity is good, and we did not inherit sin from Adam. Each soul comes into being free of sin and inclined toward goodness and is capable of doing good and unless taught against its nature, will incline toward good deeds. The teachings of Islam guide mankind back to our pure nature through knowledge of God. Mankind was obviously no accident and only could have been created by a Supreme Being, something which this section intends to prove.
Islam: A Message to Mankind
The Islamic message to mankind is a very simple message. Through this message God calls mankind to His worship as our sole Creator. He cautions mankind against becoming worshippers of false gods, and the pleasures of life. As our Creator, God knows each of us as though we are the only one that He Created, He knows each of us intimately. Although humans are interdependent, and we care for each other and love each another, we can only do this within a human and limited capacity. Even our parents and friends do not and cannot know us as God knows us. No one can love us more than God when we are obedient to Him. God is the Creator of such things as love, need, care, etc. and His capacity or ability for such things is infinite and perfect, while ours is limited and imperfect.

The Islamic message is a message that was sent down to mankind from God as a demonstration of God's mercy, something which He extends to all of His creation. God says in the Qur;'an that His rain is a mercy, and it falls on the crops of the righteous and the wicked. God teach us that He never sleeps, that He never rebukes or reproaches us. He hears all things, sees all things, and knows all things. He teach us that His mercy is greater than His wrath, and that He is always listening to hear our confessions, our questions, our problems and our praise.. God says to us in the Qur'an, " Tell my servants, the Believers, to call me and I will answer their supplications."

The prophet Muhammad also teaches us about God. He taught us that God is so merciful that He (God) said, "Tell my servants to never lose hope of God's mercy. That so anxious is He for their salvation that if one takes one step toward God, seeking His comfort and forgiveness, God will take ten times that number of steps toward His servant, and if one of His servants comes walking toward God seeking God's mercy and forgiveness, God will run to meet Him." The verses of the Qur'an and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad called the "Sunnah" or way of the prophet teaches us about God, His Attributes and the purpose for which He created the universe and mankind. Sunnah teaches us the way to live our lives in a manner which leads to inner peace and happiness, and gives us strength through faith in God to face our many hardships.

These blessings all stem from belief in One True and Living God, who taught us His name, " Allah (SWT)."

The Holy Qur'an Chapter 3, verses 31-34 says:
Say, (O' prophet Muhammad) if you love God, Follow me: Allah (SWT) will love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah (SWT) is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. Say (O' prophet Muhammad) "Obey Allah (SWT), and His messenger, but if they turn back, Allah (SWT) loves not those who reject faith. Allah (SWT) did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham and the family of Imran above all people, offspring, one of the other: And God hears and knows all things.

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